Edition 110

The Non-English Movies of The Week

The Worst Person in the World (Norway, 2021) [IMDB: 7.9, Rotten Tomatoes: 97%, My Rating: 7.5]

This movie is about a lady who perpetually feels that the grass is greener on the other side whenever she weighs up her romantic relationships. The subsequent silly decisions she makes which leave behind a debris of relationships, often with tragic consequences, form the crux of the movie. Needless to say, its stature is bolstered by the multiple Oscar nominations it has received. Amusing for the most part, the film cannot be accused of being boring. It is a bit bitter and a bit sweet or shall we say a bit bittersweet.

Drive My Car (Japan, 2021) [IMDB: 7.8, Rotten Tomatoes: 98%, My Rating: 8.0]

A Saab 900 model car is the omnipresent item in this movie. So is an all pervading sense of grief. An actor who is past his best days plunges into unspeakable sadness with the death of his wife. He hires a driver who has an intriguing past. Together they heal. This movie merits a viewing for its acting and screenplay which are stellar. Though there are dozens of good road movies, this one is not about the road or the car or the journey. It is an exquisite drama. Watch it if you like high quality movies.

Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom (Bhutan, 2021) [IMDB: 7.5, Rotten Tomatoes: 100%, My Rating: 7.5]

‘Lunana’ is the surprise contender for this year’s foreign language category at the Oscars. And why not? It is a small Bhutanese movie shot in the “remotest school in the world” in a village called Lunana. Five minutes into the movie you can predict how it is going to progress. I guess three quarters of the Oscar nomination is for the scenery which is breathtaking. The other quarter is for the audacity to take it to the Oscars. The story is a simple one. A young teacher awaiting to migrate to Australia is sent on some sort of punishment to Lunana. The experience changes his life. There is nothing bitter about this one. It is all through a sweet movie.

Movies I Saw This Week

Licorice Pizza (2022) [IMDB: 7.7, Rotten Tomatoes: 91%, My Rating: 6.5]

I am yet to figure out how this one is nominated for the best picture at the Oscars. It clearly is a competent movie but the best picture nod is stretching things too far. I guess the nostalgia got to the Academy’s older voters. As for the plot, a fifteen year old boy falls in love with a 25 year old woman in the Nixon era in sunny California. He is a budding businessman and she is a little lost in life. They go their separate ways, meet up again and eventually she says ‘yes’ to him. The main actors are all making their debuts and they look assured in the hands of a much celebrated director.

Nightmare Alley (2021) [IMDB: 7.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 79%, My Rating: 7.5]

There is a scene almost midway through the film which (if you are an avid moviegoer like me will spot) gives away the plot of ‘Nightmare Alley’. A remake of a black and white classic, the film gets a royal makeover in the hands of Guillermo del Toro. For once, Bradley Cooper can be proud of his work. The supporting cast is splendid as well. The story is about a man who trains himself to be a mentalist and tries to test the limits of his skill often with fatal consequences. The director goes out of his way to show that the protagonist is a flawed character, thereby laying the groundwork for whatever tragedy befalls him. Tragedy does come in copious amounts in a movie which is ultimately a morality tale.

House of Gucci (2021) [IMDB: 6.7, Rotten Tomatoes: 62%, My Rating: 6.0]

Let me say it straight away. This is a bad movie with bad directing and terrible acting. The sorrow that I felt while watching the movie was from the realization that there was some great material available waiting to be shaped into a great movie. The script, direction and acting are unjust to what could have been a classic. Things are so bad that serious scenes look staged and funny. Jared Leto is insufferable. Adam Driver left the acting chops at home. Lady Gaga should stick to the singing. I am outraged that she got a best actress nomination at BAFTAs and is tipped to be the hot favourite to win. For what? This movie tells the rather eventful story of how the brand Gucci ended up with no one with that surname associated with it. There is infidelity, a gold-digger daughter-in-law, murder and intrigue at the core of the tale. This was an easy movie to make. How they botched it up is more interesting than the movie itself.

The Lost Daughter (2021) [IMDB: 6.7, Rotten Tomatoes: 95%, My Rating: 5.5]

I generally don’t like movies where the story has to be explained for the average Joe to understand what just happened. Apparently Maggie Gyllenhaal doesn’t share my sensibilities. In her debut feature, she asks the audience to please read the book from which the story is adapted. Coming to the story, it’s about a woman who does not like the idea of being a mother. Granted that motherhood is not for everyone. So what is the point? That the protagonist does not like being a mother. What else is there in the movie? Olivia Colman crying for no apparent reason as if she has been teargassed, Olivia Colman spending time on the beach, Olivia Colman trying her best to get another Oscar and so on and so forth. Yawn.

Don’t Look Up (2021) [IMDB: 7.2, Rotten Tomatoes: 56%, My Rating: 4.0]

Completing the terrible list of movies nominated for this year’s Oscars is this slow car (or comet) crash. Adam McKay has made enjoyable movies such as Anchorman, Vice and the Big Short. This movie is a demonstration of how bad things get when satire goes wrong. The world is going to end unless immediate action is taken and a few scientists know that. The scientists in question being DiCaprio and Weinstein favourite Lawrence. Truth be told, these are the last people who should be on television trying to explain the earth ending phenomena to viewers. Watching them do their silly act on television instead of blurting out with alarm what they know is in itself a mockery of the movie. There is too much preaching and a holier than thou attitude. If it is not for the people associated with this movie and the star power they bring to the table, this movie should be considered for the Razzies and not the Oscars. Two thumbs down.

Being the Ricardos (2021) [IMDB: 6.6, Rotten Tomatoes: 68%, My Rating: 6.0]

This is a real life story based on the life of Lucille Ball and the love of her life (that is, untill they divorced) Desi Arnaz who are linked to the communist party, when this equated with career death by association in Hollywood. The events during a tumultous week are covered in this breezy screenplay by Aaron sorkin. Nothing much happens though. Nicole Kidman is in the lead role playing an Oscar bait character while finding it impossible to move any muscles on her cheek. Is it Botox or is it the make up? You can devote half of your attention to this movie and do other chores with the other half if you plan to take up the challenge of watching it.

Encanto (2021) [IMDB: 7.3, Rotten Tomatoes: 91%, My Rating: 7.0]

‘Encanto’ has great animation. It has a sub-standard storyline, predictable scenes, unnecessary songs (a lot of them) and a clear target audience. To sum it up, it is in classic ‘Best Animation Oscar’ territory. A family in which the women have one specific small scale superpower (think of Superman and scale it down) are in an existential crisis as their powers wane. How they overcome this impending doom and gloom forms the rest of the movie. No prices for guessing whether it is a happy ending.

Documentary of the Week

Ascension (2021) [IMDB: 7.1, Rotten Tomatoes: 98%, My Rating: 8.0]

China is the factory of the world. This Oscar nominated documentary is a slightly unfocused look on how the Chinese live and work.

Eagerly waiting for:  ‘Writing with Fire’, the Oscar nominated documentary from India

Did you know: Betty White who died recently (aged 99) was (at the age of 88 and a half) the oldest person to ever host Saturday Night Live .

Edition 74

The Non-English Movie of The Week

Theeb (Jordan, 2015) [ IMDB:7.3, Rotten Tomatoes:97%, My Rating: 7.5 ]



A young boy cajoles his brother to allow him to be a part of a group traversing a dangerous desert terrain in the middle of World War I. In the process he gets more than what he had bargained for or imagined. Critically acclaimed ‘Theeb’ tells the story of a young boy who has to weather the elements and treacherous humans in a fight for survival. The perilous conditions bring out the best and worst in him; his kindness is juxtaposed with the tribal instincts he displays in the climax. The film is also a commentary on how modernity wrecks established norms and lifestyles. Masterfully directed and visually appealing, ‘Theeb’ is certainly one of the best movies of 2015.

Movies I Saw This Week

Zootopia (2016) [ IMDB: 8.4 , Rotten Tomatoes: 99%, My Rating:8.5 ]



‘Zootopia’ is a right movie at the right time. Even when it gets self righteous at some points, the movie is a reminder of the dictum ‘Live and Let Live’. It may not be a mere coincidence that at a time when there is unabashed bigotry all around, ‘Zootopia’ virtually name calls all types of bigotry. Thankfully, it also a very entertaining affair. Essentially, ‘Zootopia’ is a story of an underdog breaking the glass ceiling and overcoming odds and prejudices. The action is in a society which is fighting to keeps its pluralism, tolerance and sanity intact. As much as it is a jovial fun ride which can be enjoyed by all age groups, ‘Zootopia’ is probably the most hard hitting social drama to take the form of animation. Must watch.

Kapoor and Sons (2016) [ IMDB:8.2 , Rotten Tomatoes:90% , My Rating:6.0 ]



(Spoilers ahead) Kapoor and Sons is a record of the shouting matches in a dysfunctional family with absolutely zilch to show for its painful duration. There is nothing endearing about any member of the family. With a motley of characters including a foul mouthed uncouth grandfather, a cheating husband, and a dense mother, the film’s speedometer remains on zero for the better half of the proceedings. There is even a sibling who very predictably turns our to be gay. True to producer Karan Johar’s sensibilities, he is the least flawed character in the movie. He wants to help his financially ailing brother. He is a victim of the circumstances because the leading lady chooses to kiss him and not the other way around. He also accidentally discovers his father’s infidelity. He even takes his brother’s idea to write his debut book. After scouting with a magnifying glass, I was not able to find a single redeeming feature in the family. At a certain point during the movie I felt like the plumber in the movie who has to bear the brunt of having been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Kapoor and Sons is a family that I would take extra pains to keep away from if they were real. Fortunately they aren’t.

McFarland, USA (2015) [ IMDB:7.4 , Rotten Tomatoes:88% , My Rating:7.5 ]



Everybody likes a story on the triumph of the human spirit. Disney is adept at sugar-coating such themes. Once in a while they run into a story worth spending the sugar on. For all its cliches and predictable turns, there is something about this inspirational sports drama that keeps you interested. Maybe it is the story. Maybe it is the acting. Maybe it is the score. Maybe it is the editing. Maybe it is all that and more.

Pee-wee’s Big Holiday (2016) [ IMDB:6.6 , Rotten Tomatoes:79% , My Rating:6.5 ]



I had not heard of Pee-Wee till I saw this movie. Pee-Wee was a superhit TV character in the 80s. Pee-Wee had a movie in 1985. Thirty one years later, the remarkably youthful lead actor reprises his role in a movie which starts on a promising note but loses steam towards the end. Pee-wee decides to leave his home town for the first time to meet his buddy. The film focuses on the encounters he has on the way. Pee-Wee will certainly delight the kids but it may find it difficult to gain the attention of a mature audience.

Brooklyn (2015) [ IMDB:7.5 , Rotten Tomatoes:97% , My Rating:7.5 ]



There is no prize for being a runner-up at the Oscars. Else, Saoirse Ronan would have a Silver Medal to her name for her striking portrayal of an Irish immigrant try to find her footing in Brooklyn in the 20th century. ‘Brooklyn’ is not just about her but also the many characters who fill the movie who make it an absolutely riveting watch. The movie walks into to a list of thoroughly enjoyable and well acted movies made in recent times. Definitely worth your time.

Experimenter (2015) [ IMDB:6.6 , Rotten Tomatoes:89% , My Rating:7.0 ]



Nowadays if you open a newspaper or website you will find numerous new studies which confirm something one day and the exact opposite the next day. There used to be a time when some studies and experiments were more authentic. They have also stood the test of time. Some of those remarkable experiments were conducted by Stanley Milgram. This movie is about him. More than a movie, it throws light on some issues such as response to authority and peer pressure. It is a very enjoyable movie for those curious on getting insights on human behaviour.

Waffle Street (2015) [ IMDB:6.3 , Rotten Tomatoes: Not yet Rated , My Rating:6.5 ]



A wall street guy who loses his job in the 2008 financial meltdown starts working in a waffle chain. Based on a true story, ‘Waffle Street’ draws the contrasts on the two lifestyles on display. One of the lifestyles involves honesty, hardwork, treating your customers with respect, dealing with people who pay their debts back, cooperating with colleagues at work, thinking about the long run etc. Though hampered by some amateurish acting by the protagonist, the rest of the cast puts in an effort which makes the movie worth a watch.

The Dressmaker (2015) [ IMDB:7.2 , Rotten Tomatoes:65% , My Rating:6.5 ]



Kate Winslet returns to her village as a suave and chic dressmaker. She has some accounts to clear and some demons to bury. She also meets her love. The movie does not rise to greatness but it does not flounder even when the subject matter is weak. Largely due to the acting ability of Winslet, the film remains a rather easy one to watch. Recommended.

Bill (2015) [ IMDB:6.7 , Rotten Tomatoes: 94%, My Rating:6.5 ]



Yet another movie on Shakespeare but unlike any other because of the screw-ball comedy that it makes of itself. ‘Bill’ largely follows the template of Monty Python movies. The irreverence and confidence are coupled with the thick skin of the film-makers whose half serious attempt at postulating on Shakespeare’s life during his ‘missing years’ makes for engaging viewing. Obviously, the performances or the music or anything other than the screenplay does not matter. If you are in a mood to accept a bumbling Shakespeare in a comedy, this is the movie for you.

Trumbo (2015) [ IMDB:7.5 , Rotten Tomatoes:80% , My Rating:7.0 ]



Dalton Trumbo was the writer behind such classic movies such as ‘Roman Holiday’ and ‘Spartacus’. He was hounded for his communist leanings during the infamous era of McCarthyism. ‘Trumbo’ tells the story of his struggle to overcome the witch hunt against him. His single minded devotion to his work and the high quality of his output were his best responses to the blacklisting by subservient Hollywood studios. The movie also shows the guiding philosophy of Trumbo when he encounters hard times. Bryan Cranston embodies Trumbo and carries the film on his capable shoulders. The movie also gives a glimpse of the back-room shenanigans in Hollywood during the dark age for film making.

Kali (Malayalam, 2016) [ IMDB:7.7 , Rotten Tomatoes: Not listed , My Rating: 6.0]



Dulquer Salman plays a man with a short fuse and a streak of violence in a movie which takes a different turn in the second half. Though he does justice to his part, the same cannot be said of Sai Pallavi whose command of Malayalam is severely lacking. She could have left the dubbing to professionals. Though the tension is palpable in the second half, the climax does not excite. Overall, it is an average flick with nothing substantial to offer.

Documentary of the Week

The Look of Silence (2015) [ IMDB:8.3 , Rotten Tomatoes:97% , My Rating:9.0 ]



The sequel to the much appreciated ‘The Art of Killing’ is as devastating as the original. A man confronts his brother’s killers in a society which condoned the systematic killing. The killers are unapologetic. Or are they?

Eagerly waiting for: ‘The Jungle Book’.

Did you know: The credits and title cards of ‘Spotlight’ are set in Miller, the typeface that Boston Globe newspaper uses for most headlines and body copy.